Thu, Jan 28 at 12:30 pm EST
Membership Development Committee

Enter Session

The Membership Development Committee for the execution of membership growth across the BOMA federation while maintaining the BOMA Brand in support of the overall SLRP membership goals, to increase BOMA’s influence, reach and revenue by growing its membership and engagement with non-members. It strives to accomplish BOMA’s strategic plan for membership development by setting and assessing annual Committee goals, and making recommendations that will add value to membership. The committee is led by a local membership committee chair and BAE to reflect the expertise and lifeblood of the association.
Speakers and Staff


Chair: Mackey Guilherme, CPM, FMA, RPA, BOMA/Raleigh-Durham

Co-Chair: Terri Walther, BOMA/Orlando

Vice Chair: Adrienne Maley, BOMA/Boston


Staff Liaison: Anita Smith

Thu, Jan 28 at 2:00 pm EST
Awards Information Exchange

Enter Session

The Awards Committee recognizes excellence in building management and operations through the presentation of The Outstanding Building of the Year® (TOBY®). The committee strives to promote these awards programs to the entire BOMA membership, the commercial real estate industry and the general public.
Speakers and Staff


Chair: Kim Saunders, RPA, CLO, BOMA Fellow, BOMA/Newfoundland & Labrador

Vice Chair: Susan Engstrom, FMA, RPA, BOMA Fellow, BOMA/Greater Phoenix

Co-Vice Chair: Mackey Guilherme, CPM, FMA, RPA, BOMA/Raleigh-Durham


Staff Liaison: Anita Smith

Thu, Jan 28 at 2:00 pm EST
Emerging Professionals Committee

Enter Session

The Emerging Professionals Committee is geared toward BOMA members who are starting out their career in commercial real estate and want to grow professionally. The EPC provides input and guidance on creating a membership environment that is appealing, challenging and rewarding to a diverse an ever-changing workforce, as well as educating emerging professionals on the value of BOMA. The EPC also focuses on career development and networking opportunities. (Membership is open to members with less than 5 years of industry experience.)
Speakers and Staff


Chair: Sarah Tessmer, BOMA/St. Louis

Vice Chair: Gillian Downing, BOMA/Philadelphia


Staff Liaison: Erica Smedley Cox

Thu, Jan 28 at 3:30 pm EST
Industrial Committee

Enter Session

BOMA’s industrial Committee provides a forum to discuss topics and issues related to operating and managing industrial properties and initiates and oversees the development of programs and services for owners and managers of these properties. The latter includes education programs at BOMA’s annual conference as well as webinars and stand-alone courses and programs. The Committee develops strategies to grow BOMA membership within this sector and seeks opportunities to better serve the industrial portfolio owners and managers through education, information and networking.
Speakers and Staff


Chair: Maggie Amaya, FMA, RPA, BOMA/Suburban Chicago

Vice Chair: Lisa Krumwiede, BOMA/Suburban Chicago


Staff Liaison: Pamela Colman

Thu, Jan 28 at 3:30 pm EST
Preparedness Committee

Enter Session

The Preparedness Committee is designed to give industry leaders a forum to collaborate on ways to improve emergency preparedness and increase building resilience. Committee members serve as a resource to ensure BOMA members have the best information and tools to respond appropriately and recover quickly from emergency situations, natural disasters and other building security issues.

Speakers and Staff


Chair: Jim Kleeman, BOMA/New York

Vice Chair: Tracy Seymour, BOMA/Metro Washington

Co-Vice Chair: Andrea Saccomanno, BOMA/Dallas


Staff Liaison: Meg Novak

Thursday, Jan 28, 11 am - 12 pm EST
Kings III Focus Group

Topic: Risk Management Decision-Making for Commercial Office Buildings:  Examine emergency phone monitoring in buildings as a risk and liability reduction component as well as utility cost management. Specifically, help with go to market and messaging strategy on reaching the right decision makers and what resonates in commercial property management. 

Ideal Attendee: Senior level CRE managers (property management and executives) who have responsibility over risk and/or utility management, IT (telephone lines and strategy), building operations and procurement. Priority will be given to those who have not previously attended a focus group with Kings III.

Invited Guests Only. Pre-Registration is Required